Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 165

Still not sure of a definite homecoming date but they have let us know a "range" (very vague term) of when Marine may be returning home.


This has become my favorite word in the English language. lol

I called today and booked a room. They fill up quick. I had to guess on the days but I can always change them if need be. And staying at the place on base that we stayed at before deployment is super cheap!! For seven days it is about the price of what two nights would be at a hotel. So you see why I wanted to be sure to book one.

Hopefully I did ok at guessing on the days {fingers crossed}.

Did I mention I ordered my homecoming sign?

Its simple. Nothing to embarrassing to Marine.

Now to just count the days.

Phone calls have been more frequent lately which has been great and a real morale boost for both Marine and myself.

So many things I would like to share but they are things that will have to wait until he returns. OSPEC -- gotta respect it :)

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