Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 182

Hello September!! It's so good to see you!

Today has been a mix day of emotions. The news was released about a Marine killed that was in my Marine's company. My heart goes out to his family and friends.

He was only 20.


Not even old enough to have legally bought a beer before he deployed.


For some reason that just makes it all the more sad to me. His life hadn't even really started yet. And then it was cut short.

So close to homecoming.

Just makes you question and wonder why.

My good news of the day was that Marine was able to call twice. He was at a different base than normal. Not sure why and of course he couldn't say.

It was great to hear his voice. Great to know he's ok.

Another day down.

Prayers for the families who's hearts are breaking.

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