Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 70

Mobile Units = Pure Bliss!!

Marine had a traveling mobile unit come to his FOB today. He explained to me that the mobile unit had phones the guys could use along with computers allowing him internet access for the first time in two months.

Today I received 3 phone calls and was able to Facebook chat online.

Great day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 61

I got not one..... but two letters today!!!

Those sneaky bastards down at the post office.... yesterday was the only day I have not been to the post office since Marine deployed - so go figure that was the day they were delivered.
{ Just kidding post office employees, I  ♥ appreciate all of you! }

I opened my post office box this morning before work and I practically jumped for joy at the site of the familiar hand writing. 

Today is exactly two months down.

In away it seems like the time has flown by...... but on the other hand it seems like it has drug by slowly.

Either way I'm happy to have the two months behind us.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 60

The phone rings and the caller ID tells me it's you.

I answer the phone so happy to hear your voice.

Less than a minute has passed when you quickly say you have to go. Someone else needs to use the phone.

"I'll you back in 15 minutes....." You tell me, "I gotta go. Love you!"

And with that your gone.

My heart is tight in my chest as I wait for the 15 minutes to pass.............. and then 15 more................. but I know you will keep your word and sure enough after an hour has passed the phone rings again it's you. Full of apologies when in reality there is no need to apologize.


It was great to hear from Marine and know that he is doing ok. I try to make him laugh by telling him funny stories from home. I ask the few questions I think I can and he answers telling me he has mailed me more letters and that he has received some of mine.

So good just to her his voice.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 58

I had a great time at the Bachelorette party last night!

The day started out a little rocky but despite the stormy day we had a great time. After a few beers the drunk dialer in me came out, one of those many times I long to text you or call you. So what do I do? I send a short and simple text to your phone..... that I know is turned off and in the night stand drawer at home. I love you - the message said. Even though you didn't get the message I'm sure you got the will power of mind sending it to you. :)

Stay safe. Another day down.